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2024 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Deep learning and structural health monitoring: a TFT-based approach for anomaly detection in masonry towers
Falchi F., Girardi M., Gurioli G., Messina N., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
Detecting anomalies in the vibrational features of age-old buildings is crucial within the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) framework. The SHM techniques can leverage information from onsite measurements and environmental sources to identify the dynamic properties (such as the frequencies) of the monitored structure, searching for possible deviations or unusual behavior over time. In this paper, the Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) network, a deep learning algorithm initially designed for multi-horizon time series forecasting and tested on electricity, traffic, retail, and volatility problems, is applied to SHM. The TFT approach is adopted to investigate the behavior of the Guinigi Tower located in Lucca (Italy) and subjected to a long-term dynamic monitoring campaign. The TFT network is trained on the tower's experimental frequencies enriched with other environmental parameters. The transformer is then employed to predict the vibrational features (natural frequencies, root mean squares values of the velocity time series) and detect possible anomalies or unexpected events by inspecting how much the actual frequencies deviate from the predicted ones. The TFT technique is used to detect the effects of the Viareggio earthquake that occurred on 6 February 2022, and the structural damage induced by three simulated damage scenarios.Source: Social Science Research Network (2024). doi:10.2139/ssrn.4679906
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4679906

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | papers.ssrn.com Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Dynamic Behaviour of the Carillon Tower in Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy
Azzara R. M., Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
This paper presents the experimental investigations conducted on the carillon tower of the Santissimo Crocifsso Sanctuary in Castel San Pietro (Bologna, Italy) and the analysis of data collected by using velocimeters and accelerometers installed on the structure. The main goal is to assess the effects of the swinging bells on the dynamic behaviour of the tower. The paper's novelty relies on the kind of structure monitored and the originality of the experiments. The structure is a rare example of a carillon tower, with fifty-five bells of different sizes, subjected to a careful measurement campaign never carried out before. Six experiments were conducted selectively by activating the bells to measure the tower's response induced by different vibration sources and determine the peak velocities recorded by using instruments at different heights. Two ambient vibration tests complemented the six experiments. The carillon's action induces low velocities on the tower, while experiments involving the bells swinging in the upper chamber produce the highest velocity values in the swinging direction; these values are more significant than those induced by the carillon alone. The most robust action is induced on the tower when all the bells (carillon plus swinging bells) ring. The experimental results are complemented by numerical simulations of the dynamic behaviour of the tower subjected to the action of a swinging bell.Source: Structural control and health monitoring (Online) (2023). doi:10.1155/2023/1045234
DOI: 10.1155/2023/1045234

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.hindawi.com Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Bachelor thesis Unknown
Analisi del collasso di strutture ad arco in muratura: indagini sperimentali su modelli in scala
E. Casassa, (relatori: Barsotti R., Barsi F., Girardi M., Padovani C., Bennati S. )
La tesi vuole analizzare il comportamento sperimentale di modelli in scala di arco sottoposti a carichi pseudostatici incrementali. I modelli degli archi sono ottenuti accostando, a secco, i conci ottenuti attraverso una stampante 3D. L'azione sismica viene simulata come una forza statica d'inerzia, proporzionale alla massa. In questo senso, per applicare un pattern di carichi adeguato è stata prevista la costruzione di una tilting table. I risultati sperimentali, raccolti sottoforma di moltiplicatori dei carichi orizzontali di collasso , vengono successivamente analizzati criticamente confrontandoli con i risultati teorici (trovati attraverso il teorema cinematico) ed i risultati forniti dal software di calcolo NOSA-ITACA.

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2023 Report Unknown
Monitoraggio dinamico di ponti mediante reti wireless di sensori
Marra A. M., Morano G., Nicese B., Salvatori L., Spinelli P., Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
Report finale del progetto "Monitoraggio dinamico di ponti mediante reti wireless di sensori" (MOODWISE).Source: ISTI Project reports, 2023

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2023 Report Unknown
Progetto REVOLUTION - Piattaforma open-source orientata ai digital twins: tecniche di digitalizzazione 3D, monitoraggio delle vibrazioni e modellazione agli elementi finiti per la valutazione dello stato di conservazione di edifici storici e infrastrutture civili
Pellegrini D., Girardi M, Gurioli G., Padovani C.
Report tecnico scientifico n.1 (attività svolta nel periodo 15 febbarioi 2022 - 15 febbraio 2023).Source: ISTI Project reports, REVOLUTION, 2023

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2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Experimental investigations and numerical modelling: a fruitful interaction for the nonlinear dynamical analysis of masonry structures
Azzara R. M., Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
This paper describes the experiments carried out on a medieval masonry tower in the historic centre of Lucca and some finite element numerical simulations of the tower's experimental response. The Guinigi Tower, one of the most iconic monuments in Lucca, has been continuously monitored by high-sensitive seismic stations that recorded the structure's response to the dynamic actions of the surrounding environment. The monitoring campaign results have been analysed to show the effectiveness of dynamic monitoring as a valuable source of information on the structural properties of the tower. The dynamic analyses of the tower and the surrounding palace subjected to some seismic events recorded during the experiments have highlighted the capabilities of experiment-based finite element modelling. The calibration of the finite element model and the numerical analysis have been carried out by resorting to procedures developed at ISTI-CNR and able to consider the nonlinear behaviour of masonry materials.Source: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (Internet) (2023). doi:10.1007/s00161-023-01264-2
DOI: 10.1007/s00161-023-01264-2

See at: link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Closed Access
Effects of temperature variations on the modal properties of masonry structures: an experimental-based numerical modelling approach
D. Pellegrini D., Barontini A., Girardi M., Lourenço P. B., Masciotta M. G., Mendes N., Padovani C., Ramos L. F.
Long-term ambient vibration monitoring campaigns show that environmental parameters (such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction) can influence the structures' static and dynamic behaviour. In particular, thermal variations can affect the modal characteristics of ancient masonry constructions. This work presents a procedure combining experimental and numerical steps to monitor, assess and model the dynamic behaviour of masonry structures subjected to thermal loads. The procedure is tested and validated through two numerical examples and the simulation of a full-scale masonry structure, the Mogadouro clock tower in Portugal, monitored with accelerometers and temperature and humidity sensors.Source: Structures (Oxford) 53 (2023): 595–613. doi:10.1016/j.istruc.2023.04.080
DOI: 10.1016/j.istruc.2023.04.080

See at: www.sciencedirect.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Long-term monitoring of a masonry tower with wireless accelerometers
Zini G., Marafini F., Monchetti S., Betti M., Facchini L., Bartoli G., Girardi M., Gurioli G., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
During the last decades, significant efforts have been made to define appropriate Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) frameworks based on the vibration signatures collected by accelerometers. Data-driven approaches are increasingly adopted for damage detection through the identification of anomalies in the distribution of the frequencies. This paper analyzes the long-term monitoring data acquired from a system installed on the Matilde tower in Livorno (Italy). The tower is a historic masonry structure monitored since the end of 2018 using a wireless sensor network developed during the MOSCARDO project.Source: COMPDYN 2023 - 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Greece, 12-14/06/2023

See at: 2023.compdyn.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Numerical modelling of historical masonry structures with the finite element code NOSA-ITACA
Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D., Porcelli M., Robol L.
This chapter presents the finite element code NOSA-ITACA for static and modal analyses of masonry structures of architectural interest. NOSA-ITACA adopts the constitutive equation of masonrylike materials, which considers masonry a non-linear elastic material with zero tensile strength. The capability of modelling restoration and consolidation operations makes the code a helpful tool for maintaining historical buildings. In recent years, long-term vibration monitoring turned out to be an effective non-destructive technique to investigate the dynamic behaviour and check the health status of historical buildings. Changes in their dynamic properties, such as natural frequencies, can represent effective damage indicators. The latest NOSA-ITACA developments are oriented towards structural health monitoring. The availability of the experimental modal properties of a structure makes it possible to calibrate its finite element model via model updating procedures. In particular, the unknown structure's characteristics, such as materials' properties and boundary conditions, can be determined by solving a minimum problem whose objective function is expressed as the discrepancy between experimental frequencies and mode shapes and their numerical counterparts. Several case studies are presented to show the main features of NOSA-ITACA and its effectiveness in the conservation of architectural heritage.Source: Mathematical Modeling in Cultural Heritage. MACH 2021, edited by Bretti G., Cavaterra C., Solci M., Spagnuolo M., pp. 133–152, 2023
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-3679-3_9

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Towards a cloud-based platform for structural health monitoring: implementation and numerical issues
Croce T., Girardi M., Gurioli G., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is increasingly important in protecting and maintaining architectural heritage. Its main goal is to distinguish ordinary fluctuations in a building's response from other, possibly anomalous, behaviour. SHM starts setting sensors to measure accelerations or velocities and other environmental parameters over time at fixed points of the structure. The time series processing makes it possible to perform modal tracking and damage/anomaly detection while correlating dynamical and environmental parameters. In practice, these activities are conducted separately, using different numerical codes. Thus, the idea is to take the first step to distance from such practice, leveraging the MOSCARDO system, which encompasses a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and a platform designed according to a cloud architecture that provides services for storing and processing data from the WSN. We employ a code based on the Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) technique to improve the system's capabilities, and we exploit the SSI's theoretical features to get an efficient implementation that will be integrated into the cloud-based platform. This pipeline is here presented considering data collected from a monitoring campaign on the "Matilde donjon" in Livorno (Italy) and reporting preliminary numerical results on the identification of the modal parameters.Source: EVACES 2023 - International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, pp. 610–619, Milano, Italy, 30-08/01-09/2023
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-39109-5_62

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Contribution to book Closed Access
From structural health monitoring to finite element modeling of heritage structures - The Medieval Towers of Lucca
Azzara R. M., Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
This chapter describes the experiments carried out on three medieval masonry towers in the historic center of Lucca, Italy. The towers have been continuously monitored by high-sensitivity seismic stations that record the structures' response to the dynamic actions of the surrounding environment. Special attention is devoted to the Guinigi Tower, one of the most iconic monuments in Lucca, whose monitoring campaign started in 2021. The goal of the chapter is to show the effectiveness of dynamic monitoring as a valuable source of information on the structural properties of the towers and sketch the capabilities of experiment-based finite element modeling.Source: Data Driven Methods for Civil Structural Health Monitoring and Resilience. Latest Developments and Applications, edited by Mohammad Noori, Carlo Rainieri, Marco Domaneschi, Vasilis Sarhosis, 2023
DOI: 10.1201/9781003306924-7

See at: www.taylorfrancis.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
A digital twin-based platform for structural health monitoring: preliminary results
Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
This paper describes the preliminary results of the REVOLUTION project, focused on designing and implementing an open-source, digital twin-based platform for the structural health monitoring of architectural buildings and infrastructures. The platform leverages several technologies, such as 2D/3D digitalization techniques, sensor networks, numerical modelling, and damage detection algorithms. Integrating such technologies will allow us to build accurate digital twins of historical buildings, monitor their dynamic properties, model their mechanical behaviour, detect damages and anomalies and plan intervention strategies.Source: BUILding a Digital Twin: requirements, methods, and applications, pp. 53–55, Roma, Italy, 19-20/10/2023

See at: inm.cnr.it Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Bachelor thesis Unknown
Collasso di archi in muratura soggetti a carichi orizzontali o cedimenti delle imposte
Bonuccelli N., (relatori: Barsotti R., Barsi F., Pellegrini D., Padovani C., Girardi M. )
La tesi si pone l'obiettivo di analizzare il comportamento al collasso di archi in muratura soggetti a carichi orizzontali o cedimenti delle imposte. A tal proposito sono stati eseguite numerose prove sperimentali su modelli in scala di arco montati a secco, realizzati mediante conci in materiale termoplastico. Con l'ausilio di un'apparecchiatura, denominata tilting table, viene simulata l'azione sismica come una forza statica d'inerzia, proporzionale alla massa. Per l'esecuzione della seconda tipologia di prove è stata realizzata una specifica apparecchiatura in grado di simulare il cedimento delle imposte. Dalle prove sperimentali sono stati ricavati i valori del moltiplicatore di collasso e del cedimento ultimo associati ai rispettivi meccanismi di collasso. I risultati della campagna sperimentale sono stati analizzati e confrontati con quelli ottenuti attraverso l'analisi limite. Un'ulteriore analisi numerica dei modelli è stata effettuata utilizzando il codice di calcolo agli elementi finiti NOSA-ITACA.

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2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
The influence of deflections on the static and dynamic behaviour of masonry columns
Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
This paper studies the influence of bending deflections on the structural behaviour of masonry columns. Some explicit solutions are presented, and the combined effects of the constitutive and geometric nonlinearities are investigated through an iterative numerical procedure. The results show that considering second-order effects affects both the collapse load and the dynamical properties of masonry beams significantly.Source: European journal of mechanics, A, Solids (Print) 94 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.euromechsol.2022.104570
DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2022.104570

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A semidefinite programming approach for the projection onto the cone of negative semidefinite symmetric tensors with applications to solid mechanics
Padovani C., Porcelli M.
We propose an algorithm for computing the projection of a symmetric second-order tensor onto the cone of negative semidefinite symmetric tensors with respect to the inner product defined by an assigned positive definite symmetric fourth-order tensor C. The projection problem is written as a semidefinite programming problem and an algorithm based on a primal-dual path-following interior point method coupled with a Mehrotra's predictor-corrector approach is proposed. Implementations based on well-known symmetrization schemes and on direct methods are theoretically and numerically investigated taking into account tensors C arising in the modelling of masonry-like materials. For these special cases, indications on the preferable symmetrization scheme that take into account the conditioning of the arising linear systems are given.Source: Calcolo (Online) 59 (2022). doi:10.1007/s10092-022-00478-1
DOI: 10.1007/s10092-022-00478-1

See at: link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Dynamic monitoring of a tunnel-like masonry structure via WSN
Bartoli G., Betti M., Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D., Zini G.
This paper reports an application of wireless sensor network technology to the long-term monitoring of a historic masonry tunnel-like structure located in Italy. The monitoring was performed within the activity of a research project aimed at providing a general framework to check the structural health of heritage structures and to real-time detect any potential damage that may compromise their safety. The tunnel-like structure was selected being, to the best of authors' knowledge, a challenging experiment both for the type of structure itself and for the technical solution to be employed for installing the monitoring system. This paper, after a brief description of the installed monitoring system and the design of the sensor layout, summarizes the lesson learned after one year of monitoring.Source: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Structures and buildings (2022). doi:10.1680/jstbu.21.00082
DOI: 10.1680/jstbu.21.00082

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.icevirtuallibrary.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Open Access OPEN
Dynamic behaviour of the carillon tower in Castel San Pietro, Italy
Azzara R. M., Girardi M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
The paper presents the experimental investigations conducted on the carillon tower of the Santissimo Crocifisso Sanctuary in Castel San Pietro (Bologna, Italy) and the analysis of data collected by velocimeters and accelerometers installed on the structure. The main goal is to assess the effects of the swinging bells on the dynamic behaviour of the tower. The paper's novelty relies on the kind of structure monitored, and the approach followed. The structure is a rare example of a carillon tower, subjected to a careful measurement campaign never carried out before. Moreover, the experimental results are complemented by numerical simulations of the dynamic behaviour of the tower subjected to the action of a swinging bell.Source: ISTI Research reports, 2022

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Conference article Closed Access
Structural health monitoring for architectural heritage: case studies in Central Italy
Azzara R. M., Girardi M., Occhipinti M., Padovani C., Pellegrini D., Tanganelli M.
Structural health monitoring (SHM) has been recognized as a useful tool for experimentally assessing the structural behavior of historical buildings over time. If monitoring is performed continuously and for a long time, it allows to evaluate variations in the building's dynamic response to external factors. The main goal is to estimate the dynamic response of the monitored buildings to daily stresses produced by environmental and anthropogenic factors (variations in ambient temperature and humidity, wind velocity, vibrations produced by vehicular traffic or other anthropogenic noise sources including visitors, service staff, etc.) to distinguish ordinary fluctuations in the buildings' response from other anomalous behavior. Continuous monitoring also makes it possible to assess the impact of extraordinary events such as extreme weather events, earthquakes, excavations, cultural events involving many people nearby the monitored buildings. Some examples from the authors' many monitoring campaigns on monuments located in different urban environments are presented. In particular, the effect on one of the monitored buildings of the drastic reduction of seismic noise during the SarsCov2 pandemic lockdown is investigated.Source: EWSHM 2022 - European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 3–12, Palermo, Italy, 4-7/07/2022
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07254-3_1

See at: link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Conference article Restricted
Dynamic characterization of the Tower of Palazzo dei Vicari in Scarperia (Italy) during and after the 2019 Mugello seismic sequence
Azzara R. M., Cardinali V., Girardi M., Marini F., Padovani C., Pellegrini D., Tanganelli M.
The paper presents the first results of an experimental campaign conducted on the Tower of Palazzo dei Vicari, in Scarperia, Italy. The Tower is a slender medieval structure located at the corner of the main façade of Palazzo dei Vicari. Over the centuries, both Tower and Palace have undergone several severe earthquakes; therefore, they have been reinforced with steel tie rods. In 2019 the structure was hit by the Mugello seismic sequence, which occurred between 9th December 2019 and the first half of January 2020. The mainshock was registered as 4.5 ML, with an epicenter 5 km far from the city of Scarperia. The earthquake was felt in Toscana and Emilia Romagna Regions and caused some damage in the area's cities. During the seismic sequence, two seismometers were installed on the Tower to record earthquakes and natural vibrations and evaluate the behavior of the structure under seismic loads. A second monitoring experiment has been more recently performed, in June 2021. Eight seismic stations were deployed along the height of the Tower, to achieve a complete dynamic identification of the structure. The ambient vibration tests before and after the seismic sequence made it possible to exclude the presence of damage and to calibrate the numerical model of the Tower via model updating techniques.Source: SEMC 2022 - Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, pp. 215–220, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7/09/2022
DOI: 10.1201/9781003348443-34

See at: www.taylorfrancis.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Deep learning for structural health monitoring: an application to heritage structures
Carrara F., Falchi F., Girardi M., Messina N., Padovani C., Pellegrini D.
Thanks to recent advancements in numerical methods, computer power, and monitoring technology, seismic ambient noise provides precious information about the structural behavior of old buildings. The measurement of the vibrations produced by anthropic and environmental sources and their use for dynamic identification and structural health monitoring of buildings initiated an emerging, cross-disciplinary field engaging seismologists, engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists. In this work, we employ recent deep learning techniques for time-series forecasting to inspect and detect anomalies in the large dataset recorded during a long-term monitoring campaign conducted on the San Frediano bell tower in Lucca. We frame the problem as an unsupervised anomaly detection task and train a Temporal Fusion Transformer to learn the normal dynamics of the structure. We then detect the anomalies by looking at the differences between the predicted and observed frequencies.Source: AIMETA 2022 - XXV National Congress of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, pp. 581–586, Palermo, Italy, 4-8/09/2022
DOI: 10.21741/9781644902431-94

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.mrforum.com Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA